书画展创作主题征集面向全球中文爱好者,年龄不限,国籍不限。The call for creative themes for the Calligraphy and Painting Challenge is open to any Chinese language enthusiasts worldwide, with no restrictions on age or nationality.Submissions will be accepted from June 15, 2023, to 12:00 PM on June 30, 2023 (Beijing Time).The selected theme for the Calligraphy and Painting Challenge will be announced on July 1, 2023, which also marks the official start date of the submission period for works under the selected theme.Participants can send their theme and related information [email protected]. "Chinese Bridge" also accepts direct messages on its official account on Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, and Weibo.我们即将举办2023全国外国人汉语大会——书画展,现面向大家征集创作主题,欢迎大家积极为本次书画展提供创意和灵感。本次书画展创作主题将由提名决定。希望您能够在参考以下要求的基础上,提供您认为最适合本次展览的创作主题。主题要求能够体现您的个性和创意,同时也能吸引更多的观众和参展者参与进来。主题要求能够与书画艺术相关联,不限于题材、风格、形式等方面,以创新和多元化的方式展现书画艺术的魅力。主题要求能够符合当代社会和文化背景,反映时代精神和价值观念。如果您有意向参与本次书画展,请按照以下步骤提交您的创作主题:在邮件正文中简要介绍您提出的创作主题,说明它与书画艺术的相关性以及为什么适合本次书画展。附上您的个人信息(姓名、联系方式等),以便我们更好地联系您。我们将在收到您的投稿后进行评审,并于评选结束后在“汉语桥”书画展官网公布入选的创作主题。To all painting and calligraphy enthusiasts, Chinese language enthusiasts worldwide: